Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stress stress stress.

Can i pass a major medical exam in 10 days?Lets assume i haven't been studying the past 5 months or so (i have, i've also been procrastinating alot), and say i have 138 lecture notes to finish ( i do, i counted). lets say i've done about 38, meaning i have 100 more to go. out of the 1o days, 5 is for that means i have 5 days to do 100 notes!!!which means on average i need to do 20 notes a day!!WHATTTT???

the thing is i dont have much of a choice... I HAVE TO PASS!!!! I cannot fail...i CANNOT CANNOT CANNOT fail!!!omg!!! i just CAN'T!!!life would suck sooo bad if i there's that little matter of already failing before and having to repeat 1 year of med school. yes thats right, i've failed before, meaning i should've learnt my lesson then and started studying alot earlier...ALOT earlier...but do i do that?NOOO, i carry on like as if i have nothing to worry about and NOT study which is BAD!!!Gargh. i hate my life.

so its 6.30 in the evening and i've only done 1 and a half lectures...and i have another 19 more to go. guess who's going to be pulling an all nighter? Coffee, you are my best friend during exams.

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